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Wenhaston Churchyard Graves

Wenhaston St. Peter's Churchyard Memorials

Search records of Wenhaston graves in St. Peter's churchyard and War Memorial graveyard

Search records of Wenhaston graves in St. Peter's churchyard

For several years, starting in 2008, members of the Wenhaston WI, their friends and families, examined and recorded all the memorials in St. Peter's Churchyard in Wenhaston. Many of these memorials were very worn or hidden in bushes, and so extremely hard to read.

The work involved much detective work to decipher them, followed by a careful study of the Burial Register to check details and add extra information. We managed to decipher all but 2 of them. We also recorded all the inscriptions in the church itself, including those under the carpets.

Books with the full inscriptions can be viewed in the church. A CD or book can also be purchased locally.

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Notes regarding records of graves in St. Peter's churchyard, Wenhaston

The data in our online database is heavily based on the information supplied by the WI Team but there are a few areas where we have simplified the data to make it easier to search. The original material is contained in a book published by the WI Team and on sale in the Church. These are the main differences:

  1. All dates have been converted to date values. In some cases dates are not complete and these have been adjusted to the first of the month. ie July 1865 has become 01/07/1865.
  2. In some cases there is no date of death but there is a date of burial and so this date has been used instead.
  3. All ages have been reduced to whole years. Thus a child who died age six months is recorded as 0 years.

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